Goldsboro's History Book
North Eastern York County History In Preservation NeyChip
Excerpts from: The Life and Times of Goldsboro 1976 By: Goldsboro Historical Association Pictures low quality is due to photograph copy from the book..
The Life and Times of Goldsboro
1976 written by Goldsboro History Society, edited by Jessie Sanders is out of print. The book is 145 pages and covers Goldsboro PA facts, events, people buildings and businesses from 1748 thru 1976. The book is very detailed and well written. The pictures below are taken from it. This link contains highlights from it. See Communities Fading Commentary below these pictures.
"For the next 40 or 50 years Goldsboro moved forward. Then Goldsboro, like the rest of the world, started to change. Cars became popular. People didn’t have to be content to stay in their home town. Movies took the place of the local plays. For some, television took the place of band fairs and carnivals. And then there was the railroad- the train stop in Goldsboro was no more!! The station house was even torn down. Business establishments started to close and people found employment elsewhere.” The Life and Times of Goldsboro written in 1967 page 110.
Goldsboro stood strong through floods, fires and the worst US nuclear accident. It had several notable citizens including a Noble Prize winner. With less than 500 residents, it had a play theater, several organizations, many business, parades, bank, hotels, school, churches, ball teams, and even soap box derbies. But now 50 years after the book was published, the book is considered rare, the Historical Society was disbanded and the Borough's greatness is fading.
Like most of our towns and communities, many business are gone, schools, banks, hotels, churches are closing, parades and community events have stopped, most social organizations have folded, and historical building are torn down, decaying, or are apartments. Many residents are now transient renters. They change locations, employment and mates like water with no commitment. People are glued to their electronic devices and do not talk to their neighbors or care about their community. Businesses and banks today are more worried about making a profit than people they employ or serve.
As local governments, we must figure out how to adapt to the changing times. We must try to promote business, permanent residents and community pride. We must preserve our past so we can use it as a springboard to bring a better future. We, as residents and business, must stop thinking of ourselves and return to caring, commitment, children, community and church.
To localize John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961: "Ask not what your country (community) can do for you but ask what you can do for your county (community)." Commentary by Charles Stambaugh Sept. 2016
This was published by YDR.COM Sept 23, 2016 as "We must rejuvenate our older towns."

Communities Fading Commentary
Bamberger Service Station 1917
C Baustaker and G Bamberger
First National Bank
Goldsboro School
First Fire Station
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