Northeastern District Continues
North Eastern York County History In Preservation NeyChip
Northeastern High School was opened as a Jr.-Sr. High School in 1958. At that time the Mt. Wolf Jr. High became Mt. Wolf Elementary, and Manchester High School became Manchester Elementary. The district then had 4 elementary schools: Manchester, Mt. Wolf, York Haven and Conewago, in addition to Northeastern High School. The original Mt. Wolf Elementary Building at 3rd and Maple Streets in Mt. Wolf was used as the District Administration Building.
In 1964, Northeastern Jr. High was constructed on the High School property as an "annex" to the High School, and the Jr. High program (grades 7 and 8) moved into this building. The building had no cafeteria, so all of the Jr. High students ate lunch in the Sr. High cafeteria, which was doubled in size as a part of the project.
The next major construction in the District occurred in 1969 when Orendorf Elementary was built. A "cutting edge" building at the time, it was fully heated and air conditioned with a heat pump system (the only air conditioned school building in the District until 1990).
A decline in student population from the late 70s through the 80s led to the idling of a number of classrooms at Manchester Elementary. In 1985, due to the deteriorating condition of the Administration Building in Mt. Wolf, the south half of Manchester Elementary was converted to administrative offices, and the administrative staff moved there when the old building at 3rd and Maple streets was sold.
In 1988 the elementary program was realigned and the north half of the new Administration Building became the Kindergarten Center, with each elementary building then housing grades one through five.
As the 90s approached population was again growing, and most of the buildings were in need of major renovations. The High School received a few additional classrooms and some systems upgrades in 1988. The Jr. High became the Middle School and added 6th grade classrooms and a swimming pool in 1989. Conewago and York Haven elementary were completely renovated and enlarged in 1991, and Mt. Wolf Elementary was completely renovated and enlarged in 1992, and became Mt. Wolf Early Learning Center. When the Mt. Wolf project was completed, the Kindergarten Center moved there.
By 1999, the Middle School and the elementary schools were becoming very crowded, and in 2000 a new building was opened on the Orendorf property - Spring Forge Intermediate School. This new building housed the entire 5th and 6th grade population of the District - relieving space problems at the elementary schools, and the Middle School, which became a 7th and 8th grade building once again.
The elementary population growth spread to the secondary level, and in 2002 the high school received a minor expansion, and middle school received a new library, large group instruction room, and some additional office space. In addition, air conditioning was added to both buildings so that all of the District facilities were now air conditioned.
In 2002 the Administration Building received a new heating and air conditioning system and an electrical system upgrade, and in 2005 the remainder of the building was converted into office space.
A surge in housing growth, especially in East Manchester and Conewago Townships, has again stressed available classroom space, and another intermediate school will be constructed on the Orendorf property, with a planned opening in the fall of 2007. When completed, this school and Spring Forge will house grades 4,5 and 6. The other elementary buildings Conewago, York Haven, Orendorf, and Mt. Wolf will then contain grades K through 3.
Simultaneously, a new Middle School will be built on a parcel of land just north of and adjacent to the existing High School, with a scheduled opening of fall, 2008. The old Middle School and the High School will be connected with a corridor, and that entire facility will house the High School program.
In 2022, Northeastern High School had a $28,000,000 upgrade which included new classrooms, new cafe with a large common area, new administrative area, new HVAC system, and a new team room at the stadium.
For more pictures of the new Shallow Brook Intermediate School building click here.
For more pictures of the new Spring Forge Intermediate School building click here.
For more pictures of the new Middle School building click here.
For details history on each Northeastern School building click here.

Clarence R Orendorf
He was an elementary teacher and principal in Newberry Township from 1931-45; School Director of the District of Goldsboro Borough in 1947, principal of the Mt Wolf Junior High from 1947-51; principal of Manchester High School in 1952. supervising principal in 1953, assistant County Superintendent of the York County schools from 1954-56, County Superintendent in 1957 and became the Supervising Principal of the Northeastern School District in 1957. He was a member of the PA Governor’s Conference on Education in 1957 and a member of the York County Planning Commission from 1959-61. He was a member of York County, PA and National Education Associations. In 1970, the Northeastern School District opened an elementary school in his honor.
Information provide by Northeastern School District York County Pa
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